Ordering Methods
However you want to order, we're here to help
Large Orders
We have a dedicated Quotation Team who can help save you money through negotiating discount if you have a bill of materials.
Extended Range
Even if we don't stock it, we'll do our best to source it for you.
Forward Orders
We can deliver your orders exactly when you need them
Production Packaging
We offer flexible quantities direct from stock.
Quotes Online
You can – and it will save you time and money
RS eSolutions allow you to connect to our web catalogue reaching out to 500,000 products with rich product information. You will be able to take control and cut costs with our service.
Delivery Methods
Same day dispatch delivery or specific when you want it
Parcel Tracking
On My Account you can track its progress 24/7
My Account
Just register online for My Account
Account Opening
It's easy – just follow the links
Here’s how we can help
Technical Help
We've got all the information, support and advice you need.
Online community of technical experts and free design tools
Catalogue Request
Request a catalogue
Extended Range
You can access another 100,000 products
What is it?
- Access to extra electronic, process control and automation lines which are outside our normal stocked range
- 100,000 products from our US sister company (Allied) and selected PCA manufacturers
- Order online at /
How does it help me?
- Saves time: because you can source all your products from one supplier instead of trawling round websites until you find what you want
- Gives you more choice: by offering you extra product ranges
- Saves money: by reducing your overall acquisition costs.
How do I identify an Extended Range product?
When you're searching or browsing online, Extended Range products have a 10-digit stock number starting with 2508... or 2509...
Extended Range products are non-returnable and non-cancellable – see RS Conditions of Sale
To order products from our Extended Range:
Online: Select Extended Range products when building your quote online – to start building a quote online, click here
Call: +65 6835 3433
Place an online order here.