Take control of your purchasing
We know time is valuable to you and your business. You need to have seamless online purchasing, a choice of delivery options and efficiency savings that allow you to procure parts that suit your needs without complicated discounts.
We offer a number of eProcurement solutions to give you control over procurement spend and enables you to streamline your entire buying process.
From web-based and mobile ordering through to integration with procurement platforms we have a procurement solution to suit you.
Ordering your industrial and electronic supplies shouldn’t be complicated – so we’ve made sure it isn’t.

Case Study: Pact Group
We partnered with Pact Group Australia to streamline Pact’s MRO procurement,delivering efficiencies aroundpurchasing, fulfillment, and salesanalysis.
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Case study: Purchasing Manager
Read our case study to find out how RS helped a confectionery giant cut MRO costs.
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Indirect Procurement 2020 Report
See the analysis of the Maintenance, Repair & Operations (MRO) category and what it means for business.
Read More >Key services to help you take control
RS Credit Account
RS has the industry’s prime eCommerce site, allowing you to order products quickly and easily with just a few clicks.
RS PurchasingManager™
Streamline your buying process and improve control with RS PurchasingManager™, our web-based order management and procurement system.
eProcurement Solutions
Effortlessly control your purchasing costs with an eProcurement integration of the RS catalogue into your system.
Choose quality and save
Proven value, fast delivery and a huge choice. Discover RS PRO products: RS-guaranteed quality, at the price you expect.
Free Procurement Tool Value Added Services RS Component
RS Purchasing Manager™ is a web based tool allowing nominated users to order through the RS website without needing to raise any paperwork whilst conforming to spend limits.
This customisable tool allows administrators to set up work flows, assign individual spend limits, approve orders and set up cost codes. A perfect tool for multiple sites that do not have access to an eProcurement system.
Choose Quality, Choice & Value from RS PRO
Our RS PRO range provides an alternative to premium priced brands, allowing you to switch to more cost efficient but equally high quality own-label products.
Choose from over 68,000 articles across a range of technologies. Inspected & tested to recognised standards to gain an RS PRO Seal of Approval and price matched against leading brands to ensure we are delivering savings to you.