The NLSV4T244 is a 4 bit configurable dual supply voltage level translator. The input An and output Bn ports are designed to track two different power supply rails, VCCA and VCCB respectively. Both supply rails are configurable from 0.9 V to 4.5 V allowing universal low voltage translation from the input An to the output Bn port
VCCA and VCCB Operating Range: 0.9 V to 4.5 V High-Speed w/ Balanced Propagation Delay Inputs and Outputs have OVT Protection to 4.5 V Non-preferential VCCA and VCCB Sequencing Outputs at 3-State until Active VCC is Reached Power-Off Protection Outputs Switch to 3-State with VCCB at GND Ultra-Small Packaging: 1.7 mm x 2.0 mm UQFN12 This is a Pb-Free Device Benefits Wide operating range Allows for use with new faster processors Higher reliability Ease of design and re-use Lower power in Tri-State Higher Reliability Lower power consumption Lower PCB space required Applications Mobile Phones, PDAs, Other Portable Devices
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